Mia Alison Kennedy

Tuesday, July 23, 1991

    1. Expression Number
    2. Desire Number
    3. Intimate Number
    4. Inclusion
    1. First Name Number
    2. Cornerstone
    3. Heredity Number
    1. Birthday Vibration
    2. Number of letters in your full name
    1. Life Path
    2. 3 Cycles of your life

Your personal numerological study

Numerology is spreading more and more quickly and more and more widely. It responds to the need that we all have to get to know ourselves better, to know in which directions it is more advantageous to orientate ourselves. In a word, to know a little better who we are and how to situate ourselves in a more appropriate way faced with our environment, our life and the lives of others.

The simplicity of the information that Numerology needs ; date of birth, surname and all Christian names (at birth); makes this esoteric "science" particularly practical and precise, giving us a surprising approach to the functioning of the human.

Numerology uses the psychological symbolism contained in numbers. People have in general, little access to the "hidden face" of themselves, and it is this that the numbers allow you to discover. Numerology serves to draw up your personal cartography, but also to show the openings and disturbances which you can expect. It cannot predict your reaction, nor your success or failure, this is your choice. It is up to you (as the captain of your ship) whether you decide to get your umbrella out and confront the storm or whether to stay tranquilly at home. This analysis of your surname and firstnames is based on the corresponding letter-number following:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
S T U V W X Y Z  

éèêç = 1; ö = 2; ùû = 3; îë = 5; ôä = 6; ü = 8; àâï = 9


Every personality has several facets, and it is false to believe that one can describe a character by only one qualifier. In fact, your personality leans on three major aspects: the Expression Number, the Intimate Number and the Desire Number.

Expression Number

This is the key value in Numerology. This number represents your potential of expression and contact in the social sphere (in the family circle and with your closest friends the behaviour is mostly based on the vibration of the first name only). It is also the image that you give to others. Of course, you are free to use partially this potential and to add on your own touch, over time. It is a very important number to grasp the social behaviour of a person (and professional orientation). When the potential of the Expression number is not used fully, it's the sign of a certain instability that exists on the level of the Intimate number. In this case, you must first stabilise and strengthen your base (the Intimate number and your supports), before being able to develop your natural qualities of expression. Also, the Expression number allows the analysis of the possibilities of understanding between two people, to evaluate the type of possible relationship or cooperation between them. This number is calculated by reducing the total of the numerological values of all the letters of the full name given at birth. To refine this interpretation, it is useful to take the information from the Desire number into account. In this way a number 1 or 8 Expression number (naturally hard) will be softened by a Desire number 2, 6 or 9 as well as by an initial letter like B, F, I, O, R, T or X (Bill, Frances, Tessa,...).

Mia Alison Kennedy
491 139165 2555547 = 72 = 9

Expression Number 9: Altruistic, rich and sensitive personality.

From the outset, one feels we are dealing with a character out of the ordinary but difficult to determine. Anyway, such a person provokes strong reactions. Her idealistic streak and her openness of mind contribute to make her a humanist rising out of the rank. No ordinary lifestyle for this fascinating woman who will follow her ideal streak and often choose to go off the beaten track. The difficult question is to specify her centers of interest as they are often numerous. A priori, all activities having clear components of altruism or culture. Fraternity, charity, human and artistic sensibility are directions suited to this type of character. Global travel to discover nature, cultures and foreign languages will suit her. Art, body language, creation, teaching, or spreading ideas could also occupy an important place in her personality. She will probably devote a part of her life to specialize in one of her passions. For sure it will be unusual as Mia works perfectly when she feels there is a philosophical dimension (i.e. vocation, idealistic impetus or gratitude from others) in what she undertakes. She submits to rules reluctantly because she doesn't see life as a routine, especially a burdensome one, but as something great, worthy and beautiful a bit like a theatrical performance.

This strong idealistic and emotional need has however a few disadvantages. Poorly managed, it can lead this character type to devote herself too much to others or to a cause and thus neglect her own needs (this is possible especially if the day of birth is 2, 6, 9, 11, 15, 18, 20, 24, 27 or 29). A balance between the social pole (turn to others) and the individual pole must be found. Mia should not forget to hear her soul, intuition and own needs regularly. Another possible drift is an excessive focus on beautiful aspirations that could hide an unconscious attempt to avoid confrontation with life’s harshness. Idealism is good but it will never make tough realities (concerns, bad people, money problems) disappear. Idealism for sure helps to bring impetus or give a stature to undertakings. To deal with or sort out problems is something else needing specific attitudes and measures. Mia has a passionate nature and also a receptive one that can drive her to quick enthusiasm, too easily for a cause, for a love relation or for helping others (this tendency should be qualify by the other important facet of the personality : what does she like). This warning has the purpose to help this type of character to avoid the classical rude awakening after the elation phase when you discover you were wrong. It would be a pity for such a charming and generous woman that seems to be made for happiness and for a beautiful, unusual life. Gentlemen, you have here a treasure of a woman but also a woman that you must protect from excessive tension, pressure and hostility in order to make the most of her potential of femininity, romanticism, tolerance, fidelity and devotion. Admittedly, her haughty or enigmatic side could intimidate at first glance but you must press on. Love is also one key ideal of her life and Mia will devote herself fully to her partner and family life as soon as she finds the man who pleases her. But in a first stage, she may certainly devote to other personal experiences or interesting activities. If not she will return to her passion after having raised her children. This central axis of personality will grow stronger if the day of birth is 9, 18, 27 and may be also 2, 6, 11, 15, 20, 24 or 29. This character needs also to be qualified by the two other main facets of personality : what does she like (Desire number), how does she defend herself (Intimate number).

In conclusion, the key of your expression and image appears to be this great sensitivity. From there all is possible: relational sense, artistic possibilities, creativity, good culture, inspiration, idealism, sense of justice, tolerance, dedication or altruism. One could describe you as quite calm, optimistic, sometimes very open, sometimes slightly reserved. Your inner world is rich and often passionate. You are at ease when it's a matter of ideals or big space, foreign countries. You have a good overall vision of things and people. Some 9's will even happen to develop this faculty to anticipate the future. In fact it is quite difficult to describe you because the number 9 vibration possesses the most openings and components. In this way you can be pushed to instruct, to be eager for intellectual and spiritual knowledge and you will be seen as a cultivated individual with open mind and interesting ideas, perhaps even avant-garde. Another aspect of the 9 could push you towards generosity, compassion, helping others and tolerance. This kindness lightly differentiates itself from the one of people with a 2 or 6 for Expression Number by it's more universal (often linked to noble cause). But you are also able to express this altruism with close ones. Another aspect of the 9 concerns ambition, the desire of elevation and openness onto the world and ideas. This, linked to your idealist desires and your verbal ease can give you an undeniable personal brilliance. This ascendant and all your other talents allow you to envisage your route with serenity (you easily find your vocation). Generally you unite more or less these tendencies, even if others think that you are more related to one or the other of them. But in all cases, you characterise yourself by your sensitivity (refinement, humanism). It will give you an open mind and pleasure to give pleasure as if you had passed the stage where you need to accumulate possessions or satisfy your ego. This sensitivity could be the origin of a talent in the arts, music or dance, culture, refined cooking, the art of receiving visitors or any other activity necessitating finesse and creativity. A lot of talented artists possess the number 9 vibration.

To be efficient at work, you need to be motivated. You need a part of a dream and fantasy, with possibilities of opening beyond the established areas. Freedom is important to you. You don't like limiting, closed and restraining things or routine. Your greatest attribute is the capacity to grasp the general outline, to quickly assimilate the things where others get lost in the details. Your vision is synthetic and human at the same time, which allows you to show certain disfunctionings in a clear way and to be a very good adviser. Your faults at work are: a slight lack of practical sense, little efficiency if you don't believe in what you do, and not always a sharp sense of business. Linked to other strong vibrations (such as Desire number 1, 3, 8, 11), this type of Expression could make you a leader. Your loyalty towards others and the respect for your engagements go towards your qualities. In return you could be influenced by those who know how to pull the right cord. If the finality is contrary to your aspirations and pride, don't let yourself be carried along. Use your intuition to better evaluate people who propose you something.

The excesses of the 9 proceed from your emotive and generous nature. In first place, a certain credulity but also a tendency for dispersion and contradictory actions. Don't undertake too many things at the same time. Take advice when it comes to business or material problem (your sense of reality is not always consistent). From time to time you could suffer from nervousness, anguish or existential doubt if your inner world is too sensitive. More than anybody else, you must protect yourself psychologically from outside aggression under any form. Otherwise you risk finding a deviating path of bitterness and discouragement (to relativise according to your Intimate Number). Your mission is however fundamental: you must become an example for others ! Be positive. Know that the number 9 vibration incites a personal raising, an opening of oneself to others but not really in the form of being fused with a group ! You must keep your autonomy while being altruistic, without which you quickly lose your efficiency.

In love, if the passion, the ideal or the perfectionism that shine in you are excessive, your sentimental life will be difficult without a doubt. So you could have difficulty in finding a partner who measures up to your expectations, or you could be disappointed if he proves to be less ideal than you originally thought. The same if it appears that he doesn't share your vision of life. The problem is perhaps in the fact that you fall in love with an ideal rather than with a person. That's why it is in your interest to be precise and objective in your quest for a partner. Moreover you need love to be proven to you. This reassures you and pushes you to be even more affectionate. Your qualities of devotion and loyalty are otherwise very appreciated.

Professional orientation

You will be at ease in all that concerns human relations, altruistic projects (member of an organisation with a humanitarian goal), travelling, foreign languages. Your privileges areas will be social and medical, personnel management, juridical defence (lawyer), the fight against the great plagues. You are marvellous in all to do with teaching (writer, teacher, orator, clergyman), modern technology and the artistic and cultural sectors. Perhaps also archaeology, the history of civilisations, exploration. Administration, finance and commerce are areas that do not really suit you. You need a minimum of vocation. Note that the choice of profession does not only depend on the Expression number. This decision can also be linked to your Life Path, Desire number or Birthday vibration.

Hidden Root Number: For your information, this number stems from 72, which in the Tarot cards, symbolises "Four of Pentacles". Material success thanks to work and personal merit. Determination, intelligence and coherence allow you to find success, little by little. Stability of acquisitions, financial security and fruitful long-term speculation. Beware of an unexpected major obstacle or ill-considered initiatives. Prudence must guide you. Excessive risk taking or stubbornness are advised against with this vibration. Moreover, luck will not forget 72, allowing some welcome improvements (riches, presents and a certain popularity). If you receive some help, take care to return the favour.

Aspiration or Desire number

The Aspiration number corresponds to our deep motivations, to what we like, to what is important for us. This vibration influences our choices, the decisions we make, as well as our sentimental inclinations, even if we are not always aware of it. The influence of the Aspiration number will harden, soften, stimulate or qualify the central axis of our personality, i.e. the Expression number wich describes our behavior in the so-called social circle. Our behavior in the family, and with very close friends, is somewhat different. This vibration is calculated by the numerological value of the vowels in the full name at birth. Thus values like 2, 6, and 9 will bring a touch of gentleness, as well as a greater sense of cooperation. Values like 1 or 8 will bring more individualism to the central axis of the personality. A name containing two opposed vibrations like 1 in Expression and 2 as Aspiration number could make it more difficult for the subject to find his own balance or stability.

Mia Alison Kennedy
 91 1 9 6   5  5 7 = 43 = 7

Desire number 7. This aspect of the character concerning aspirations nuances the description of "who is she?" (usual personality in the large social circle) by making the mind pre-eminent. Here we have a woman attracted by intellectual and spiritual matters. She likes to use her intelligence to analyze situations and people, to organize, plan and solve problems. Using her mind is both natural and pleasurable for her since she is always keen on learning. She has a deep need to regularly feed her mind. To observe the world around, to think about the errors that others make, pleases her as much as listening to her intuition. Let's add that she must allow herself small periods of calm, quiet moments away from noise, agitation, and all kinds of superficiality. None of these are good for her balance. In this haven of peace, she can enjoy her favorite hobbies: writing, reading, observing nature, thinking, learning, meditating, or simply relaxing. This tends to recharge her and give her a certain internal depth. Privileged and special moments in her secret garden could be seen as vital for this woman. Without them, her acuteness would become impaired, she would become too rational to the detriment of her intuition and balance. Mia is a woman that wants to know herself and to understand the meaning of life. Even if the individual pole is pre-eminent on her social pole, she is not attracted by loneliness. Being alone without feeling lonely is a real challenge for this individual. Because of it, she may very well find herself alone for a period of time where she can learn that the much needed solitary she enjoys in small doses, can also be extended to days and weeks spent somewhat alone with the knowledge that all is well. The secret is making peace with who and what she is. The tendency is to find fault, a useless way to spend precious time.

She prefers enriching her mind through knowledgeable conversations with interesting people. Even with eclectic people, this fine psychologist is constantly learning, absorbing whatever she observes. For her sake of balance, it would be desirable to develop her physical, artistic and expressive activities. Generally, Mia can count on her good intuition as long as her analytical side does not get in the way. Mentality is always ready to build premature conclusions, to enter in what may be useless speculation. Perfecting this will come with time. Her creativity and professional ambition will be influenced by her inclination for intellectual activities. She will be comfortable in many service-related activities. Usually she is much more productive if she can work without constraints. Hopefully she will not have a manager with unrefined intellectual capabilities that will harass her with ridiculous orders. A conflict would then be unavoidable.

Paradoxically, these traits can also be excessive. This kind of woman can impose too much limitation, by always favoring her mental sphere to the detriment of her emotions, intuition, creativity, relational warmth, manual skill and sport. When the analytical side is pre-eminent it's time to exercise, to meet people, to do some manual activities. It would be good to ask yourself questions like: do I feel a coherence in me, am-I happy, what kind of role do I play, do I have pleasure in my activities? If the positive turn is not taken it could lead to a possible excessive introversion, pessimism or even cynicism.

In love, she is a bit difficult to read because she is not very demonstrative, especially at the beginning of a relationship. She would like to be understood or ‘guessed’ by a partner with fine psychological skills like she has. She is very selective in her love choices, mainly looking to share opinions, conceptions and interests. Her partner will have to be flexible and to be respectable. If you are out of sorts and thinking of taking it out on her, think again. She most likely will forgive you, but will never forget. Instead go to the gym and work out your frustrations. Mia is a faithful, stable partner, and an excellent mother who understands and takes her responsibilities seriously. Before she is ready to take on her maternal role, she should allow herself a few years devoted to her personal development. The romantic life should be a later subject. Before acquiring her psychological maturity, this type of woman might go through phases of reappraisal, possibly linked to sentimental doubts or professional demotivation. About sentimental relationships—it is possible that she approaches men a little awkwardly, and too much from the intellectual plane. This subject should learn to deal more with emotions, feelings, spontaneity and authenticity in order to blend with male psychology.

Hidden Root Number: For your information, this number stems from 43, which in the Tarot cards, symbolises "Three of Cups" - hope. Perhaps the great love or lot of affective gratifications. Possibility of a calm and romantic life, simple happiness and a warm home. Sensitivity, refinement, tenderness and fertility. Joy to live and good news. This vibrations favours the achievement of projects, hopes and goals are reached thanks to ideas and original initiatives. The negative side of this number impose to watch out for greed, an excess of juvenile illusions and possible abuse (food, alcohol).

Intimate Number

The Intimate Number, also known as the "the hidden self", is the unconscious base or pedestal of your personality. It forms a little of the "keep" or the main tower of your castle. Through it you search for strength when you feel the need ; particularly in conflicting situations, each time you must confront an important problem or undertaking, when you are tense, tired, weary or when your primordial interests are threatened. At such a time you will stop using the vibration of your Expression Number in order to lean exclusively on your Intimate Number. It is your way of reacting, mostly in the large social sphere. The Intimate Number's vibration allows one to know the hidden character of the human being, to reveal the profound needs and to know reactions in cases of tension.

All of your psychological structure rests on the Intimate Number ! Consequently, it is important that it's integrity is preserved from all attacks or the result will be nervousness, anguish and indecision. This number, that becomes significant in adulthood, is calculated by reducing the sum of the consonants of your full name given at birth.

Mia Alison Kennedy
4    3 1 5 2 55 4  = 29 = 11/2

Intimate number 11. In case of conflict, adversity or strong upset, the individual calls upon another part of her personality to manage the increased stress caused by the incident. Then the defensive part of the personality is revealed. Everyone has their own reaction to stress. This type of character has an humanist and sensitive streak and in consequence will opt, in the first stage, for a symbolic opposition added to a search of conciliation. In a second stage, the subject is able to harden his strategy.

The problem of being cooperative or indulgent is that it doesn't work with everybody. It can appear like weakness. After some time or if some limits are exceeded this person will oscillate between firmness and conciliation according to her emotional state. Sometimes the reaction can even be suddenly hard and astonish the opponent. Other times, it will be too indulgent or even drift to some hidden depression if the adversity is too hard or if the conflict is at an impasse or if the conflict gets stuck in a rut. With experience and maturity, the subject will better understand his internal contradiction and choose a medium and more stable strategy. In fact, she has an inner intensity allowing her to take things in hand and manage even difficult problems. At first, the subject will reduce the tension of the confrontation in order to better regain influence. Proper judgment, intuition, firmness and an ability to take revenge are the assets. It would be wise to learn to show immediately more stature during conflict and avoid making concessions too soon. This attitude will have a dissuasive and profitable effect.

During periods of adversity, such an Intimate number 11 gives a lot of energy, ambition or a kind of passion for what you undertake. Your inspiration is your main support and it needs to externalize in this way. There is also in your intimate base a secret desire to be liked, and even admired, by others. This strength pushes you to use your inspiration, to hurl yourself onto difficult routes and surpass appearances. This hidden sensitivity can also be translated into a real talent (music, the arts, writing, fashion, compassion and other vocations).

Hidden Root Number: For your information, this number stems from 29, which in the Tarot cards, symbolises "Three of Wands" - original initiatives, dynamism and successes. It symbolize a vivacious individual who uses his inspiration (ideas, creativity) and help others. Certain hopes can be realised thanks to creative and inventive qualities (potential to develop). Can be linked to a publication, a work of art or bold undertakings. Keep your head, don't disperse yourself or try to go too fast. This number often brings strong support or prestigious invitations, but also some jealousies in view of your success. If there is a painful and long problem, this root promises a benefic turning point if you believe in your luck and qualities.


The Inclusion or Star of Venus calculates the number of times letters occur with the value 1, then 2 etc. The ratings of the occurrences are placed from left to right and from high to low. In this way the first space contains the number of occurrences of letters with the value of 1 (A, J, S) from your full name, while the last space contains the number of occurrences of letters with the value of 9 (I, R). Each one of these numbers carries certain precisions concerning your character traits. Remember that the Inclusion only constitutes a complement of the principal study of the Intimate Number, the Expression Number and the Desire Number.

Mia Alison Kennedy

You assert yourself with your creativity, your sense of expression, your enthusiasm and your relational capacities. Your decisions are characterised by their spontaneity. The desire to be in the foreground is going to stimulate your natural creativity, perhaps even excessively. 3 letters in your Inclusion 1 (A, J, S, é, è, ê, ç).

Your capacity for co-operation, your sensitivity and your intuition (or imagination) is lived in an independent way and even asserted. You take the initiative to make friends, co-operate, be kind with others. You act with confidence in these areas. 1 letter in your Inclusion 2 (B, K, T, ö).

You express yourself with ease, intelligence and others admire you for your ease with relationships. When you create, you like to do it independently. You have confidence in your capacity for communication and in your creativity. 1 letter in your Inclusion 3 (C, L, U, ù, û).

Your practical sense reveals itself with gentleness and refinement. It is important for you to wait for the situation to be favourable before acting. Your actions sometimes lack daring because you want to be in agreement with others. You prefer to work in collaboration with others rather than being the only one responsible of a project. You could be an excellent assistant. 2 letters in your Inclusion 4 (D, M, V).

Energy, passion, vivacious mind and capacity to adapt to the most varied situations will be very present and expressed mainly in a spontaneous search for new things and adventure. 5 letters in your Inclusion 5 (E, N, W, î, ë).

Your sense of duty and responsibilities, your taste for harmony and aestheticism manifest themselves in an independent and creative way. You assert yourself with sureness in these areas and you take the initiative to appease conflicts. You are a good head of the family. 1 letter in your Inclusion 6 (F, O, X, ô, ä).

Intelligence and reasoning are innate as is the willingness to reach clarity in your mind. You are characterised by your original ideas. Even if you prefer to reflect alone, you also like the occasion to guide others along the path of concepts. The confidence that you have in your possibilities of understanding is great but be careful not to disregard or reject the ideas and advice of others. 1 letter in your Inclusion 7 (G, P, Y).

Your altruism and influence find their expression in co-operation and the desire to help or comfort others. A great sensitivity, kindness and generosity are shown by you. You use your open mind and refinement in the idea of exchange and communication above all. Even if your kindness is natural, you don't necessarily take the initiative to go to the aid of others. You often need agreement or the request of the other person, because you are easily hurt if your offers are refused. Probable artistic sensitivity. 2 letters in your Inclusion 9 (I, R, à, â, ï).


First Name Number

The first name number is calculated by using all the letters in your first name. Consequently, the explanation of this number applies equally to each person having the same first name. That is why it is necessary to balance or qualify in your mind all other informations that applies to you within the realm of numerology when thinking about the psychological impact of this number. It gives supplementary information about the power of expression that you use above all in your family environment and among your close friends that know you principally by your first name. When you study a child this first name number is important because the vibration coming from the full name at birth will begin to exert its influence on personality only later (teen-adult). This behavior will be slightly modified by the vibration coming from the vowels of the first name as well as by the value of the initial. A First Name Number 8 will become milder if the initial is a B or a F, for example.

491 = 14 = 5

Who is she ?

Your first name number is the number 5. Within the family circle you would identify yourself as someone with a strong need for freedom, who likes to experiment with things, to travel, to be adventurous. You have a certain charm, you are dynamic and curious.

Which children is she ?

Child Mia is a cheerful and sociable girl, curious about everything. Lively and affectionate, she has a great need to be loved as much as understood. The family environment has a great influence on this child especially when she turns to being unruly, capricious or possessive. You must give stable guidelines to prevent her being erratically distracted.

At school, Mia takes pleasure in building relationships and discovering new areas where she can test her capabilities and discover her talents, in language usually. Additional education is needed in terms of moral values (respect, generosity, sharing, reconciliation, perseverance) and learning responsibilities to balance her carefree nature. Mastering a sport will help to exert her energies while providing structure. The program should also include development of quieter activities so that Mia discovers the charms of slower rhythms (painting, sculpting, gardening, models, puzzles). It is better not to drift into strict authoritarianism because Mia is likely to rebel (especially if born on a 1st, 5th, 8th, 10th, 14th, 17th, 19th, 23th, 26th or 28th). Nobody will win such a battle. This lively spirit must be encouraged to develop her creativity rather than be distracted or get lost in her imagination. Do not forget to educate her early (on sexuality) because she can charm men easily without necessarily doubting that wich it can induce.


The first letter of your first name is known as the Cornerstone in Numerology. It is the first stone of your edifice and character. The Cornerstone tells of your aptitudes, your attitudes faced with different experiences. This letter constitutes a foundation element that is useful to know. It will slightly modify the interpretation given by the First Name Number (behavior in the family circle).

Letter M. M symbolizes work, labor, effort and organization. M is the initial of "moderation", "manual", "matter", "machine", "money" and "material". Stable, M needs to build, to get things going with a concern for solidity and productivity. M likes to work, in principle with order and methods, if possible with a certain secure routine. M doesn't like risks or crazy adventures. Not very expansive, M can be characterized by seriousness, stability, sense of moderation and economy as well as willingness. M has natural capacities for organization and excels in all areas to do with the concrete and secondarily with management. Her mind is practical, Cartesian. M shows herself to be very efficient in leading a project, giving assistance or playing a central role in the family and at work. However, M lacks a little originality, inspiration and panache. M functions according to a slow but regular rhythm rather than instincts. M can have the tendency to be overworked because she is occupied with too many things, she is sometimes fussy, distrustful or morose. Her vision of the world is a little too centered on constraints and limitations. It would be in M's interest to be more open, more accessible, more cheerful and less attached to conventions. In changing her vision, in becoming more generous and more open-minded, M would make her lifestyle more attractive. All these characteristics are found in the graphic of this letter. The edifice is imposing and the appearance is square. Two pillars, well planted, give M solidity. No openings on the sides signify that expression and contacts are not privileged. No curved lines so little flexibility. The folding joint which links the two principal pillars limits affective communication.

Heredity Number

This number reveals the passive part of your possibilities of expression which are common to all the members of your family. It forms a small aspect of the socio-cultural heritage of your family. The interpretation of this family vibration must be approached in a wide sense, because it only possesses a minor impact on the personality. It is calculated from all of the letters of your surname at birth. The secondary number (root number) can sometimes give some additional information. For example : Kennedy. The heredity number is 6 coming from 33. The 6 suggests a strong family solidarity, taste for responsabilities,... and the 33 indicate a possible talent for speech, persuasion, a potential for leadership, interest in medicine or altruistic undertakings.

2555547 = 33/6

You have a heredity number 6. This family name is impregnated with the idea of justice, the sense of responsibilities and generosity. In your family there is a spirit of solidarity. A taste for family reunions and an interest for art, the aesthetic (harmony).


Birthday Vibration

The Birthday Vibration is rich in information. It is not the fruit of chance. This day impregnates us with its influence, somewhat like the well-known astrological signs. The astrologers teach us that the Birthday Vibration number exercises its impact mainly during the second cycle of Saturn of the individual, which means between the ages of 28 and 60. It constitutes the productive Cycle in numerology, a period where you must achieve something concrete. It tells us about our priorities, our centers of interest, as it were for the orientation of our projects during this period. In this way, this number of birth is in relation with the productive register of your life. It is your active force in the area of achievements, resolution of problems and strategy in social and professional relationships. Unfortunately, some birthday vibrations are less effective to obtain tangible or financial results ; they favor more the other fields such as art, culture, adventure, idealism, altruism and intellectual work. So people born on day 5, 7, 9, 14, 16, 18 and 25 might forget to "store up" money and concrete results during this period because their priorities are elsewhere. To develop awareness of such a mistake will help them to modify their tactic if necessary.

You were born a 23. Overall, one can say that you were born under a good star because you often benefit from support, protection and recognition. Its vibration bestows remarkable adaptable and sociable qualities. During this productive period your strategy will be based on enthusiasm, talent for expression and sociableness in order to strike up contacts and build a profitable network. Open-mindedness, eclecticism and creative imagination will play dynamic roles during this central period. Gifted with a quick mind and a good intuition, you like to work quickly but rather on a project or challenge that passionate you. Your strategy often consists in exploring new areas, new technologies, living multiple experiences or trying a new job. In love with freedom, you are quite talented and you know how to adapt easily to new situations. It can be an advantage but do not forget that "constantly rolling stone gather no moss". Thanks to this part of your personality, you will be capable of taking the reigns of destiny in your hands. You won't have serious difficulties in the affective area, an asset that could prove to be important too during this productive period. Avoid excesses such as fickleness, instability, egoism, abuse of sensory pleasures. A badly managed vitality could lead you to dispersion and agitation. Do not multiply your activities without consideration. It could be a serious disadvantage during this productive period. Of course, all these elements should be balanced with the main tendencies of your numerological study.

Birthday Present

Only those who have a two figured birthday's will have this present in as much as ease in their life.

Your birthday present is the number 1. It is the power of achievement, the affirmation of the self, authority and a sense of initiative.

The number of letters in your full name

It is the number of letters of your first name, middle name and surname at birth combined. It gives a supplementary influence, although secondary, on your life. In a way it is the aura that your name gives off. According to numerologists, if the length of your first name(s) is longer than your surname, it will favour the affirmation of your individuality. If it is the other way around, the influence of family heritage could be a little more prominent (see heredity number). If you must chose the name of your child (or your firm) do not forget to take into account the secondary influence of the number of letters.

You have 16 letters in your full name. A positive but unstable aura. There is an impression of self-confidence, assurance as well as secret ambition about your name. But it also exudes unusual characteristics linked to risk taking or instability. Some real qualities exist but the necessity to remain cautious and watch your back also exist.


Life Path

Your Life Path which is the reduced sum of your date of birth, gives an important indication of a lesson you must integrate during your life in order to feel a kind of fulfillment. This lesson consists of learning to acquire or to develop some specific faculties. If your psychological profile is similar to the demands of the lesson, your Life Path should be quite easy but nevertheless it will be necessary for you to exercise frequently these faculties. If you haven't such a profile, it will be advised to get involved in the development of these new character traits. Each lesson will have a specific type of feeling as an accompaniment and could be linked with types of events. These are situations that you will be regularly confronted with throughout your life in order to develop or exercise these faculties. It isn't possible to skip school; the events always catch up with you. That's why, in general, one naturally adopts a style, a state of mind compatible with one's Life Path rather than going against the current. Numerology helps you to understand the nature of your route and the events likely to stimulate you. This will allow you to have the power to adopt the attitude that permits you to sail serenely on the sea of your life without capsizing or getting shaken about. A well-informed man is worth two.

Note: The Life Path does not necessarily indicate the way in which you react when faced with the different situations of life. In effect, your reaction against adversity and stress is mostly based on your Intimate Number (or your Eccentricity Number if the problem is sudden and very unsettling), while your usual behavior is modulated by your Expression number and Desire number. Each Life Path has its purpose and so requires the appropriate state of mind, strategy and faculties to develop. An altruistic mission does not require spirit of adventure or a methodical spirit. The style that one can detect across the Life Path (see Cycle number, birthday vibration) defines your overall behavior on the route that waits for you rather than your daily attitude (the character defined by your full name).

23+7+1991 = 2021 = 5 (05)

You have a Life Path 5. The route of adventurers, the bold and versatile.

This lesson corresponds to the itinerary of those who need to develop and exercise a high adaptability to face all kind of changes and experiences life can offer or force onto you. It will not only be a matter of open-mindedness, curiosity, adventure, travel, relocating residences or changing jobs frequently. In fact you will be confronted with a wide range of experiences that are supposed to enrich you. Beware not to become a prisoner of some of them. Not all experiences are good to live! It is a dynamic path but will not always be easy (especially if you have 2, 4 or 6 as Expression number and Desire number). Often, you will need to defend your personal freedom (thanks to lucidity, quickness, intelligence and talent) against different types of problems, coercive compromises or infringement attempts. It will be important to learn to detect and dodge these attempts early and to avoid being absorbed by this whirlwind. This pace won't allow much time devoted to your very private domain. The individual on this path must learn to adapt, to preserve her freedom, to minimize the constraints, to become detached from the past in order to grow in the present while staying far-sighted. All along this fortifying route you will have to prove that you know how to be versatile. There are a lot of opportunities to learn to take advantage of and from which to become enriched. Curiosity and vivacity of mind will be welcome. Routine structures and repetitive work won't suit you. You will be more at ease with new activities where all continually evolves (computer science, publicity, communication, sales, languages, travelling, leisure activities and sports). In order not to veer off the good course of this path 5, you must be capable of distinguishing between the useful and useless. It will be necessary to cultivate a certain moderation, above all in physical areas (desire to live 110%, over-indulgence or having a taste of artificial pleasure). You are on a passionate path that leaves little time for idleness and boredom. It can lead to good fortune and success but also failure depending on how one uses it. The lesson of this path consists of accepting changes in a positive manner, to use them to enrich yourself but without leaving them to pull you down certain dangerous slopes (such as taking unconsidered risks, superficiality, being led astray, having too little respect for others’ freedom).

Some individuals on this path try to refuse change and the necessity to adapt because they like to have their own way of doing things. This strategy is not recommended during this lesson because life could impose on you more and more changes, some being unpleasant. Other people could search constantly for good fortune somewhere else (a rolling stone gathers no moss), or they will go too far in giving in to temptation. Take care not to build a booby-trap for yourself due to a temperamental behavior. Real self-discipline is required not to spread yourself too thin. The idea is to keep a certain clear-headedness in order to put an end to all experiences that begin to imprison you rather than enrich you. Don't lose your free will; it is important for your balance and your evolution.

Famous people with a Life Path 5: Aristotle Onassis, Pierre Cardin, Claudia Schiffer.

The 3 Cycles of your life

In Numerology, the life is divided into 3 Cycles (formative, productive, harvest). Each corresponds to the vibration of a particular number and will give a general orientation of a rather psychological nature during the period where it takes place. A Cycle tells us about our tastes, our priorities or centres of interest, as it were, for the orientation of our personality and projects during this period. These tastes of course change with the appearance of a new life Cycle. We consider that the Yang (masculine) vibration of this Cycle is more outstanding for an individual than that of the Pinnacle (Yin-feminine) which doesn't concern ideas or inclinations but the concrete aspects. Each of these three Cycles corresponds approximately to 365 lunar months, in other words 28 years and 4 months. The third Cycle or harvest Cycle will last until the end of your lifetime. The passage from one Cycle to the next happens progressively. A certain acclimatization is necessary. One could say that a Cycle isn't really in place until the beginning of the Personal Year Number 1 which is the closest to the start of a Cycle. The formative Cycle (the 1st) corresponds to the reduced number of the month of birth, the 2nd Cycle called productive, corresponds to the reduced number of the day of birth, the harvest Cycle (3rd), corresponds to the reduced number of the year of birth.

Formative cycle of year 1991 - 2022

You are in formative Cycle 7. Your behaviour will be quite reserved and not always understood by others. Your calm and reflective attitude will push you to keep away from the noisy games of the children of your age and orientates you more towards your inner world. The activities of reflection will have your favours. Without a doubt this will awaken your intellectual or spiritual capacities more quickly. In this way, you will certainly turn quite early to adults. Your searches will be multiple and your sense of observation developed. Even if you express yourself in a discrete way (rather in writing), you will know very quickly what you want and your decisions won't be taken lightly (except if you lack good information...). You will need to make sure that you have moments of tranquillity to enable you to function well. Your rich inner life and your strong sensitivity will push you to pose numerous questions, but also to isolate yourself a bit from the world, particularly if those around you seem to be hostile or torn. This is moreover, one of the possible diversions (coldness, melancholy, interior suffering). So, the child risks being withdrawn, out of touch or rebellious. Therefore, it will be necessary to favour the aspect of intellectual communication or the sharing of emotions. All that pushes towards expression, communication and bringing out the introversion (creations, going out, new things, sport) will be welcome.

Advice to parents:

Help your child to overcome the initial failures by explaining that a failure must be considered as a source of information and not as a dishonour. There is no reason at all for her to hold herself in lower esteem or to lock herself inside a " vicious circle ". To act in this way would mean an unhealthy emotional attitude and not intelligent behaviour. It will be important to teach your child to set reachable goals for herself and to get out of her little world. Possible inner suffering (hidden) ask to be taken into account. It will be necessary to prove your subtlety and understanding faced with your child's ambiguous emotional attitude (sentiments sometimes difficult to grasp). Encourage her to be more open, to express her feelings, to let her heart do the talking so that she can grow. That is why it is necessary to encourage your child to express herself verbally and to prove her good sense. Make sure that you surround your child with affection. Be a pole of stability and brightness for her.

Productive cycle of year 2023 - 2049

You are in productive Cycle 5. A dynamic period where you will privilege freedom, the movements of life: numerous and varied activities, moves, travels, adventures, sport, new friendships, flirtations. It is your way to appreciate life. You have multiple interests and your hunger for new things will push you continuously towards different experiences. To enjoy this freedom, it is well worth not accepting important responsibilities which would hinder your incessant schemes (games, projects). The best thing for you professionally during this Cycle is to find a job that involves travelling, where you can see new things, where you can handle new concepts. Choose an activity which demands vivacity of mind and a great capacity for understanding or adaptation.

The emotional and sentimental life is going to take on a particular importance for you. This Cycle foresees new friendships and love adventures. Like a butterfly you could move from flower to flower with disconcerting ease. Try to find an enriching education in all that you live and be careful to preserve your free-will so that you can always choose to live the experiences that will benefit you and not be seduced or alienated by the first temptation that comes along. Also think about the good maintenance of your body in avoiding the abuses (your vitality is important and it will do better in being well-managed), in practising regularly a sporting activity rather than alternating from over doing it to doing nothing at all. Adopt a very healthy diet.

Harvest cycle of year 2050

You are in harvest Cycle 2. An apparently peaceful period where you will privilege gentleness, tenderness, co-operation and helpfulness. Make the most of this peaceful retreat ! Not many new initiatives. Your relationship activities and the practice of your hobbies will occupy your days. A need of material security as well as emotional security. Desire to give pleasure to others. If you know how to make do with this new tranquil period and prove your kindness and flexibility concerning those around you, you will be repaid. A possible enlarged feminine influence for a man under this vibration.

We hope that your numerological report cast a new light on your personality and your life, and that it opened you to the benefits of this science. No doubt that by becoming aware of your potential and the dominant currents in your life, you will be able to benefit from this numerological study and improve the quality of your life.

This numerology report is created by Yves Pflieger. All rights reserved world wide. Copyright © Yves Pflieger & Association for Digital Numerology AFDN.